Even though there’s something magical about winter here in Maine, I can’t help but dream about walking barefoot on the beach in the warmth of summertime. This incredibly sweet family that I’ve been photographing for the last few years had originally contacted me about doing a Studio Baby milestone photos in the studio last summer since their adorable baby boy was sitting. However, due to the pandemic, the studio was closed at that time. So, they opted for a session at the beach instead, and I’m so glad they did! We met up at Sandy Point Beach in Stockton Springs, Maine and lucked out with gorgeous glowy sunset light for their family photography session. Three kids ages four and under makes for a busy, but fun session! The key to success: lots of snuggles, twirls, tickles, laughter, and really awesome, patient parents.
I often have parents ask me prior to their session about what happens if/when their toddler doesn’t cooperate. My answer: don’t worry, bring emergency snacks, and pack your sense of humor! I know that toddlers wear their emotions right on their sleeves (and that they’re not afraid to share them). I promise I have seen. it. all. So truly, don’t stress about it or apologize if your toddler has “a moment” during the session.
Kiddos feed off of your emotions, parents, so my biggest tip: remember that! Please please please try to go with the flow and trust the process. When they get a grass stain 5 minutes into the session, try not to get upset. And laugh… laugh a lot. Say “yes” more than you normally do while we’re shooting, and present your photo session as a fun family outing versus a chore (this also works great for teenagers!). When you approach the session lightheartedly, they will often follow suit. It never hurts to suggest an ice cream reward after, too. If you can do all that, I promise, I’ve got the rest.

Hope you enjoyed a peek at some of my favorites from this summer session! I already have some beach sessions and other summer sessions scheduled on my calendar through August, so be sure to reach out if you want to snag a spot this season. I would love to connect!
xo, Danielle